That’s a question we hear from time to time, and we want to address how cloud-based property management software is actually safer than what you are probably using now. That’s why so many landlords and management firms are switching over to the cloud. It eliminates many of the problems associated with traditional desktop software, which include:
- It’s expensive, difficult and time consuming to upgrade the software.
- The data in the system isn’t up to date and neither is the software.
- Data can be downloaded to a USB drive, which is not secure or reliable.
- Data is often siloed, and often people can’t access “a single version of the truth.”
- It’s costly and complicated to keep backups (if done at all).
Here are some of the reasons people are moving toward cloud-based property management software.
Physical Security
When you have your own servers on site, you must ensure the physical security of the server so it isn’t compromised. Most small-to-medium sized businesses can only do so much to prevent unauthorized access, breaches, or, data loss due to power outages, fire, flooding, etc.
And, then there is the fact that data stored on a computer is also subject to risk. If your employee is working from Starbucks on their laptop, there’s the risk of theft, dropping the device, and slopped coffee. When you use cloud software, if your laptop is stolen your data is stored in the cloud, as opposed to on your hard drive.
Data Backup/Recovery and Storage
If your server room floods, or there is a fire, being on a cloud-based solution means your productivity and customer service to your tenants isn’t negatively impacted, as there’s no downtime. Recovering that all important document, or trying to retrieve a lost database is a immense, time-consuming task.
All of your accounting, tenant, property, marketing and other business information is safely and securely stored offsite. Simply login to any computer, tablet or smartphone and you’re up and running.
Automatic Updates + Virus Protection
Too many property companies fail to consistently update their computers’ security. These overlooked updates represent heightened vulnerability. To make matters worse, lots of management teams are still using out-of-date operating systems.
Cloud-based property management software means you don’t have to constantly be updating to the latest version, or updated security patches. A cloud-based is always up-to-date. And, it’s designed to protect you from the most recent malware and hacking strategies with firewalls and by proactively protecting against future threats.
Data Encryption
With tenants choosing to pay their rent online, data security is paramount. That’s why cloud-based property management software, like Property Vista’s, ensures PCI compliant end-to-end data encryption to safeguard user information. Companies that accept cash or cheques open themselves up to theft and identity theft.
Permission-Based Usage
With cloud-based property management software, you can administer role permission levels. So owners and tenants can log into their own accounts and see real-time information and historical data and communication. You can easily limit employee access to role-related data, no IT department required.
If you are looking to increase the security of your property operations, check out our pricing and book a demo.